Governance of the Foundation

The governance of the foundation are the Board of Executive Directors, the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Board. They assemble expertise from politics, science, business, and civil society.

While the Board of Executive Directors is responsible for the operative affairs of the foundation, the Board of Trustees directs the foundation’s policy and decides on the use and investment of the foundation’s funds. The Advisory Board has an advisory function and provides a variety of impulses for the work of the foundation. The Board of Trustees works closely with the Advisory Board. Once every year, the two bodies have a joint meeting.

Here you can find the complete statutes of the Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit.

Board of Executive Directors

Klaus Milke
Development and environmental consultant,
Initiating Founder and Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Executive Directors / Honorary Chairman of Germanwatch

Dr. Artur Runge-Metzger
Many years of professional experience at the EU Commission in German and European climate, development and agricultural policy / Deputy Chairman of the Board of Germanwatch


Board of Trustees

Christoph Bals, Bonn
Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Policy Director of Germanwatch, member of the speaker board of Klima-Allianz Deutschland (Climate Alliance Germany) and of the advisory board of the Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft (German CEO Alliance for Climate and Economy), vice-chair of the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII), member of the advisory board of atmosfair, the advisory board of EPICO KlimaInnovation, and permanent observer of the Sustainable Finance Committee of the German Federal Government

Johanna Holzhauer, Bonn
Deputy Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees

Political scientist, many years of experience as television editor and presenter

Members of the Board of Trustees:

Christoph Bals (Chairman), Bonn

Policy Director of Germanwatch, member of the speaker board of Klima-Allianz Deutschland (Climate Alliance Germany) and of the advisory board of the Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft (German CEO Alliance for Climate and Economy), vice-chair of the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII), member of the advisory board of atmosfair, the advisory board of EPICO KlimaInnovation, and permanent observer of the Sustainable Finance Committee of the German Federal Government

Johanna Holzhauer (Deputy Chairwoman), Bonn
Political scientist, many years of experience as television editor and presenter

Valentin Dyckerhoff, Bonn
Political scientist, Senior Policy Officer at Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Thomas Hirsch, Neckargemünd
Political scientist, geographer, founding director of the consultancy network Climate and Development Advice

Dr. Jahel Mielke, Berlin
Journalist, climate economist, communications director of the Agora Think Tanks

Dr. Hannah Vermaßen, Erfurt
Research assistant at the Faculty of Political Science

Dr. Noah Walker-Crawford, London
Social Anthropologist, several years of NGO experience

Advisory Board