Our main partners
„Observing, Analyzing, Acting“ – this is the motto under which Germanwatch is committed to global justice and the preservation of livelihoods, focusing on the politics and economy of the North with its worldwide impact. The situation of the particularly disadvantaged people in the South is the starting point of our commitment to sustainable development.
Members and friends of the non-governmental organization Germanwatch founded the Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit at the end of 1997 – not least to ensure the financial independence of this NGO in the long term. Therefore, when you support the Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit, you also support Germanwatch! You can find further information about Germanwatch at www.germanwatch.org.
Since the mid-1990s, Germanwatch has been working intensively towards establishing binding regulations for the greenhouse gas emissions from air travel. For all those who do not want to wait any longer for politicians to finally act, Germanwatch and its partners have created atmosfair as a voluntary instrument. It represents the second-best solution for climate protection in air traffic after not flying. In 2005, the Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit launched an appeal for donations for the necessary basic financial equipment and is today co-shareholder of atmosfair gGmbh. Further information about atmosfair can be found at www.atmosfair.de.
The Germanwatch Foundation was established in December 2014 by Germanwatch to provide an additional option for all supporters who wish to promote the work of Germanwatch and do not wish to do so by way of a donation to Germanwatch as this must be used quickly. Its fiduciary management is carried out by the Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit. Further information about the Germanwatch Foundation can be found at www.germanwatch.org.
Activities in networks
The Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit works closely with selected organizations and foundations, partners, and individuals.
We see the bundling of expertise and the creation of networks as an opportunity to strengthen our work and increase our impact.
The Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit is also a member of the Klima-Allianz Deutschland (Climate Alliance Germany).
The Klima-Allianz Deutschland is a broad social alliance for climate action. With more than 130 member organizations from the fields of environment, religion, development, education, culture, consumer protection, youth, and trade unions, it advocates ambitious climate policy and a successful energy transformation at local, national, European, and international levels. Its member organizations represent around 25 million people. You can find more information about the association here.
In addition, the Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit is a member of the Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen (Association of German Foundations) and is actively involved in the Working Group on Environment. We are committed to the principles of good foundation practice. You can find more information about the association here.