International climate network of foundations partners cooperates with key civil society actors in Jakarta

At this year’s main gathering of the international foundation platform F20, the hybrid Climate Solutions Forum, the most pressing global challenges have been discussed in a solutions-oriented, cross-sector dialogue in Jakarta, especially with a very young, Indonesian audience. Once again, following the G7 meeting in late June, the concrete list of recommendations to the G20 leaders was presented: advocating for joint and ambitious action to deliver on the goals of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement.

This year’s F20 annual event, with a prominent lineup, was held in the Indonesian capital Jakarta. Back to back with the Indonesian “Good Times Summit” just prior to the G20 Development Ministerial Meeting in Belitung, from 8th-9th of September.

The debates focused on building international partnerships, the importance of innovation and startups, and taking and implementing comprehensive climate action and adaptation to climate change impacts that can no longer be avoided.

The F20 Recommendations call on G20 leaders to ramp up climate action, focus even more on renewables and exhibit leadership. Clear, measurable targets aligned with the Paris Agreement would have to be set and the targets already announced at last year’s G20 summit in Rome would have to be implemented quickly.

The Foundations Platform F20 urges the G20 Heads of State to accelerate a Just Energy Transition by agreeing on concrete interim targets by 2030, phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies, protecting and restoring ecosystems, establishing new energy and climate partnerships across the G20 context and beyond, and upscaling renewables.

This years F20 Climate Solutions Forum was hosted by the Foundation Platform F20, The Good Times Summit, and The Habibie Center together with the Indonesian partner foundations Bina Swadaya, the Wahid Foundation, and the Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA) Foundation. The event was supported by the Indonesian foundation network Filantropi Indonesia and Impact Hub Jakarta.

The following links will take you to the F20-Recommendations and to the English page of F20: F20-Recommendations / F20