Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit
About us
Join us to make a change
We believe we can transform our society and economy in accordance with the UN 2030 Agenda and the 2015 Paris Agreement. Foundations play a key role in contributing to this global transformation by creating spaces for dialogue and cooperation.
In cooperation with other players and stakeholders across the globe, we aim to promote models and ideas that are economically viable, environmentally friendly and socially acceptable, helping to counterbalance negative developments. We support these transformational processes with our expertise and financial resources.
The Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit (Foundation for Sustainability) shares a commitment for global justice and the preservation of livelihoods in accordance to the UN 2030 Agenda with the non-governmental organization Germanwatch. Members and friends of Germanwatch founded the Foundation in 1997 to ensure the organization’s financial independence and continuity.
Since it was established, more than 30 co-founders and donors have helped expand the Foundation’s scope for action.
For further information you can download our English Flyer.
Foundations 20
We initiate and foster communication and networking with other foundations to reinforce the impact of our work. For that purpose, we helped found Foundations 20 – the International Foundations Platform on G20 – and are an active member of the Steering Group.
From September 14-17, 2020 the „F20 Climate Solutions Week“ took place on the occasion of the G20 summit in Saudi-Arabia. The cornerstones were continuity, the readiness for cooperation, credibility and a real convening power. For more information please see the blog article here.
For further information regarding the initiative of the F20-Foundations-Platform please have a look on the F20 website under the following link
Climate justice lawsuit – Huaraz
We support innovative climate litigation instruments. We provide substantial backing for the precedent-setting climate justice lawsuit filed by the Peruvian mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya from Huaraz against the German energy giant RWE over climate impacts and glacial hazard in Peru.
Further information about the climate case you will find in our flyer here or follow this link to the Germanwatch website.
We also stand for a transformation in livestock farming and support unconventional forms of cooperation and the development of new, innovative and effective networks. We support this through our thematic fund Animals.People.Rights.
Growing industrial livestock farming is the biggest obstacle to sustainable agriculture in the world, contributing significantly to deforestation, climate change, land displacement and hunger. Nevertheless, effective changes have long been prevented by the agri-food industry. The cheap production in ever larger stables with more then 10.000 of chickens and pigs is slowing down animal-friendly and ecologically advantageous progress, which has been developed by farmers and scientists. According to the logic of export-oriented slaughterhouses and dairies, environmentally and animal-friendly farms that use domestic fodder instead of genetic engineering are to become a phasing-out model.
The Foundation for Sustainability shows its attitude and supports Germanwatch in its work for environmentally friendly and fair agriculture that protects animals and feeds people. The Germanwatch team World Food, Land Use and Trade is committed to a change in animal husbandry through its Animal-Human-Rights programme: We want to promote the agroecology concept worldwide with respect for animals, health, ecology and social justice and combat the misuse of antibiotics. At the heart of the political work is the strengthening of small farmers and the protection of the environment.
Since the mid-1990s, Germanwatch has worked to promote binding regulations for greenhouse gas emissions in air travel. For those of us who are unwilling to wait for politicians to take action, Germanwatch and several partners formed atmosfair as a voluntary instrument to offset emissions. This is a second-best solution after not flying to address climate worries in air travel. Since 2005, The Foundation for Sustainability has collected donations to support this initiative and is now the sole proprietor of atmosfair gGmbH.
Please find more information and compensate your last flight under
Should you have any enquiries or require further information please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!
Klaus Milke
Founding Donor/ Chairman of the Board
Wolfgang Doose
Vice chairman of the board
Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit
Dr. Werner-Schuster-Haus
Kaiserstr. 201
Germany-53113 Bonn
Phone +49 (0)228 / 60 492-33
Fax +49 (0)228 / 60 492-19
Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit
Stresemannstr. 72
Germany-10963 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 / 28 88 356 – 97
Fax +49 (0)30 / 28 88 356 – 1