International Group of Foundations: World is still off track to fulfil international agreements
July 9, 2018: Statement of F20 on the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) of the United Nations
The Foundations Platform F20 of international foundations and philanthropic organisations
welcomes the theme „Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies” and the focus on the implementation of the SDGs of the 2018 HLPF meeting from 9 – 18 July in New York.
However, the group of foundations states, that with regard to the overarching challenge of climate change “the world is still far from being on track to meet the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement – a prerequisite of sustainable and resilient societies.” They call upon the government representatives arriving for the ministerial meetings beginning of next week to “show true leadership and fully embrace the economic and environmental benefits of an energy transformation and making cities more sustainable.” Both aspects will be of particular importance at this HLPF as they correspond with the Sustainable Development Goals 7 (renewable energy) and 11 (sustainable cities and communities).
Klaus Milke and Ramiro Fernandez, Chairmen of the F20 Steering Group emphasises that „This
year´s focus of the HLPF is crucial for our common future. Foundations are ready to play their part in this endeavour to implement solutions that literally leave no one behind.” The group also invites other foundations, especially from the G20 states, to join the platform and deliver long-term strategies on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement of the United Nations.
The HLPF constitutes the central platform to follow-up and review the progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. As such, the HLPF provides a platform for the effective participation of all Member States of the United Nations as well as specialized agencies working on sustainable development.
F20 convenes an extensive network of experts and decision makers and stands for dialogue and
cooperation among national and international foundations. Since its inauguration more than 45
foundations from different parts of the world, including the US, Latin America, Asia and Europe, have joined the platform. All partners of the F20 platform are aware of their global responsibility and take a clear stand by drawing particular attention to the 2030 Agenda and the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement in the political discourse of the G20 process and beyond.
More information about the F20 platform on
Klaus Milke, F20 Chair
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