International foundations F20 comments on G20 Outcome:
Successful first Trump-Test on Energy and Climate
Hamburg, Germany, July 8, 2017: Today’s G20 Summit outcome underscored that the
implementation of UN Agreements on climate and sustainable development will be among the core
responsibilities of the G20 in the future.
„The positive momentum provided by foundations organized in the F20 helped drive this outcome.
Foundations in G20 states now should use it to help deliver stronger climate action around the world“,
says Klaus Milke, speaker of F20 and chairman of German Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit. In mentioning
the UN-2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, the Trump Administration cannot turn its back on
its commitments entirely, however isolated it may be on the world stage.
Klaus Milke continues: „Today the true logic of climate action has won out. Read More